New Spring Suction Cup Holder for Automated Racking

Latest in automated stacking in the pressroom through a new spring suction cup holders the offer high precision during high speed lateral operations. These spring assemblies are used with gripping systems and robot arms, helping adjust to variation in height by providing consistent cup pressure when picking up each panel. They provide a softer touch, helping to lessen impact to the component and machine, as well as increasing cup life. They can also be used to extend the reach of a handling system while providing the support needed to move the load for high stability and production safety.

These spring cup holders are adjustable for mounting to most lifting frames and have a variety of fittings to connect the holder with the vacuum generating system. The spring suction cup holders feature an integrated crash sensor as well as an integrated part detection. They are available with or without venturi nozzles. These aluminum assemblies are lightweight, yet durable and available in three different sizes. They can be paired with the entire range of Bilsing vacuum cups.

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