Designed for high-speed tandem presses, Bilsing Automation’s carbon fiber T-beam provides flexibility to meet varying production requirements.
Introducing Bilsing’s servo-controlled Carbon Fiber (CF) T-Beams designed for high speed tandem presses. Offering interchangeable tooling, the T-beams deliver speed and flexibility to the automotive stamping industry, where there is an increasing need to handle multiple parts produced from a single stamping die. The Bilsing CF T-beams meet the dimensional specifications and requirements of General Motors World Tooling Standards as well the ability for adaptation to any robotic application.
As compared to other tooling materials, the Bilsing CF T-Beams are approximately 70% lighter than steel and 25% lighter than aluminum solutions, as well as being dimensionally smaller. Bilsing carbon fiber tooling provides 3.5 times the stiffness of steel tooling at less than half the weight. Additionally, the high elastic stiffness of the Bilsing carbon fiber T-beams significantly reduces vibration and deflection to settle more rapidly and provide higher precision as compared to other materials. This allows for a smaller press opening during the stamping process. These features result in significant benefits such as improving production rates by up to 20 percent, less wear and tear on machine parts and lower capital equipment investment through use of smaller robots and servo drives.
The carbon fiber T-beams offer the ability to accelerate/decelerate more quickly than other tooling materials, helping to improve production rates – all with a high degree of stability, accuracy and repeatability.
The high elastic stiffness of Bilsing’s CF beam significantly reduces vibration as experienced with aluminum and steel beams. This allows for a smaller press opening, helping to improve production rates by up to 20 percent.
The carbon fiber T-beam is designed to offer tooling flexibility for high-speed tandem lines with varying production requirements.
Bilsing T-beams meet dimensional specification and requirements as set by General Motors Global Tooling Standards, but can be adapted to meet any robotic application.