Support Services

Robot Programming

Bilsing Automation will help you get your line up and running fast.

Our Experienced Team Will Get Your Robots Moving

In order to get your line up and running as quickly as possible, Bilsing’s experienced team can support you with both on-line and off-line robot programming (OLP). All of our technicians across the globe are experienced in online programming of ABB and Kuka robots, with some programmers also skilled in Kawasaki and Fanuc models.

With OLP, the robot program is created independent from the operating robot cell on an external computer through our 3D simulation capabilities. This approach ensures the creation of optimal program paths for the robot without interfering with production on the shop floor, helping to significantly reduce the adoption of new robot programs. Our simulation designers are experienced in off-line programming of the following machines:

  • ABB robots (Robostudio (ABB SW) or DELMIA software)
  • KUKA robots (KUKA SIM or DELMIA software)
  • AIDA pressline (Dedicated AIDA interface in DELMIA)
  • GÜDEL roboBeam™ or RoboSpeed™ (Dedicated GÜDEL interface in CATIA)
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